Saturday, November 26, 2011


Strategic Link Building Panda Edition

1:39 pm by

I got my hands on a review copy of Peter Garety’s new WSO “Strategic Link Building Panda Edition” and I have to say, I was pretty impressed.

I haven’t seen many WSOs, or for that matter, link building advice that shows you what kind of links to build, when to build them for maximum impact and give you checklists along the way to make sure that your link building efforts are staying on track.

As well, Peter is sending out a weekly link building schedule so you’ll always know exactly what you need to accomplish for the upcoming week.

Nice! This is where many people derail (including me!) as they get distracted, and forget exactly where they are in the link building process. Then the wrong kind of links get built at the wrong time, and really don’t help you rank your site. With Peter’s step-by-step system, you really can’t go wrong.

Peter includes a bonus social profile builder software in the WSO that will really help you speed up the mind-numbing task of creating profiles for link building on social networking sites.

Also, there is an unannounced bonus of a WordPress plugin, that will create instant back links for you. You just need to sign up for accounts at a six Web 2.0s, spin your blog post and you will be able to instantly post to the Web 2.0s with unique anchor text for each submission.

Here’s a link to the thread:

As well, check out my video review below. As usual, it’s one of my horrible videos, but I think that you’ll appreciate the hard work that Peter has put into this.

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This is an awesome link building program. For those of you who are heavy into the SEO of websites, you already know that link-building is nothing less than mind-numbing. You can literally fall asleep at your computer trying to accomplish this task for hours on end.

This makes link-building programs which are efficient all the more essential.

Really, if you are going to invest so much time and effort into link-building, then 1) make sure all your links count 2) only make links that are effective, indexed and viable and 3) do it the right way the first time.

Peter Garety is known for his expertise in this area, and a good reputation follows him around on the warrior forum.

It is for this reason that I bought and recommend this product. Actually I would rather call it a program, because that's what it is. A program to get you on track and stay on track with a schedule of link building.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

BBC News - Leveson Inquiry: Ex-footballer Garry Flitcroft appears


The media can't figure out when to leave people alone. There should be a line that they are not allowed to cross. Sometimes people in the public eye have a right to keep some things private.

How do we draw the line, where do we draw it, and who will enforce it? It's just crazy. It's sad what extreme media intervention did to this young man's father. He ended up committing suicide as a result of it.

There has to be someone that the media is accountable to. Part of that responsibility rests on all our shoulders. Stories sell because the population is eager to read trash on someone else. That's so twisted really. Does it somehow make us feel better to read about someone else in trouble? Is that why trash sells so well?

We all need a reality check.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Taking bushmeat off the menu could increase child anemia, study finds


Well I never thought of eating bats for dinner, but for the rural families living in remote parts of Madagascar, bats are a part of their regular diet. Add lemurs to that as well. Unfortunately, there is a delicate balance between hunting and eating protected species and healthy hemoglobin iron levels in children.

And so the debate goes on. I personally think that if locals eat what they call bushmeat (whatever is caught in the wild), then that's their privilege. But I think that endangerment has come about because of other factors.

I'm not an expert. But when I think of children, I think of their needs being filled.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cosmetic Dentists Clifton | Best Cosmetic Dentists in New Jersey


Implants are an ever increasing popular way to replace teeth and keep the smile looking spectacular. It is amazing that Dr. Branemark discovered that titanium could fuse to bone, back in the early nineteen thirties. This was after the idea of dental implants was pioneered by Alvin Strock in 1937.

Cosmetic dentists also help with the problem of discolored teeth. There are several remedies for such problems, from bleaching to veneers. There is a cosmetic dentistry procedure available to treat any kind of dental problem.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

BBC News - Egypt protests: Deadly clashes in Cairo's Tahrir Square

We don't know how lucky we are to live in a land that is not subject to constant turmoil. It would be just awful to live somewhere where there are always factions clashing and war going on. What kind of a place is that to raise a family?

It is no place at all. Only a peaceful place where children can grow up not knowing constant fear and constant war. I feel so bad for mothers trying to raise their children under such circumstances. My heart really goes out to them.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Penn State Is the Latest Institution Shaming America - Brad Bannon (

Home > Opinion > Brad Bannon > Penn State Is the Latest Institution Shaming America

Penn State Is the Latest Institution Shaming America

November 18, 2011 RSS Feed Print

Penn State lost a football game last Saturday but America lost a lot more. Americans have lost confidence in the institutions they once trusted. If they don't clean up their athletic departments, colleges and universities will join the long list of institutions which have betrayed the trust of Americans.

Large institutions set the social and economic order that makes the United States grow and prosper. But these institutions have fallen down on the job. Professional sports, the Roman Catholic Church, and Congress, to name a few, have all spit the bit and let all of us down.

[Susan Milligan: Penn State as Guilty as Catholic Church on Covering up Sex Abuse]

Sex, money, or both have driven the scandals that have undermined American institutions. At Penn State, a witness told Joe Paterno he had seen Jerry Sandusky rape a 10-year-old boy. JoPa have may fulfilled his legal obligation by reporting the abuse to university officials but he fell far short of his moral obligation when he did not act to stop the abuse by reporting the incident to police or prosecutors.

The scandal at Penn State reminds me of the pedophilia scandal in the Roman Catholic Church. Disgusting behavior by individual priests and disgraceful cover-ups by bishops, cardinals and popes. I am a Catholic but I am ashamed of the crimes committed by my Church.

I love pro sports, especially baseball, but I and a lot of other fans have lost confidence in the integrity of the sport. In pursuit of big profits and mega salaries, Major League Baseball players and owners used or tolerated steroids. Who is the all time home run champion anyway? Hank Aaron? Barry Bonds? I vote for Aaron. Bonds had many more round trippers but he cheated by using steroids. Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, and the rest should never be enshrined in the baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.

[See a slide show about sports and politics]

Sex and money have clearly shaken public confidence in Congress. Last week the Gallup Organization released a poll that indicated that trust in Congress is at an all time low at 9 percent. Polls indicate that most Americans believe that their representatives in D.C. will sell their vote for campaign contributions. Former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Twitter) and several of his former congressional colleagues have added sex to the fatal equation.

The collision of public distrust of Washington with the advance of social media will force fundamental changes in the process of decision making in this country. Since Congress can't make decisions on the important issues facing contemporary America, people like the activists in the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements have used the social media to take things into their own hands.

college athletics,
Tea Party,
Occupy Wall Street,

Reader Comments

Brad Bannon

Brad Bannon

Brad Bannon is the President of Bannon Communications Research, which is a polling and consulting firm that helps Democratic candidates, labor unions and progressive issue groups win political and public affairs campaigns. Brad also guest hosts Leslie Marshall's nationally syndicated radio talk show and has his own show on 1510 AM, Boston's progressive talker.


Energy Answers

Robert Schlesinger

Giving Thanks for Mitt Romney

Obama, Romney, and the GOP all have something to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.

Mary Kate Cary

Time to Update Medicare

Wouldn't it be cheaper for both families and the government if day-to-day home care were covered?

Latest Video

This is a crying shame. If our children aren't safe in our educational institutions, then where are they safe? This is more than just a "let down". It is more like a crash down. And to think that a rape was reported only to university officials and not even to police. What a darn shameful situation!

First the Roman Catholic church, then politicians and now education. What will go down the toilet next? No, I don't want to know.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Herman Cain: How Do You Say Delicious in Cuban? | Fox News Insider

This is the silliest, nit-pickingest story I have ever had the misfortune to stumble upon. How silly is that! Just read it for yourself. Actually, all you have to do is to watch a 30 second video clip.

It's like they are looking for any little insignificant thing to smear any of the presidential candidates with. I mean really, it's like adking how do you say delicious in Canadian? I mean most people know Canadians speak english, but there could be a certain twist we put on the answer, like maybe we say, "delicious, eh!"

How utterly ridiculous this is!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cosmetic Dentists in Clifton | Best Cosmetic Dentists in New Jersey


Cosmetic dentistry is a fairly expensive procedure, so if you are considering it, then you definitely want to hire the best cosmetic dentist in your area. Great looking teeth are a good thing to have, because it brightens up your smile and it gives you confidence.

There are lots of reasons that people may want cosmetic dentistry, including chipped, broken or cracked teeth. Missing teeth can be replaced by an implant. Also stained, crooked and misaligned teeth are candidates for cosmetic dentistry.

The best cosmetic dentists in Clifton New Jersey will look at your teeth and give you an idea of what could be done to improve the look and functionality of your teeth. They will go over what each procedure entails and the cost as well.

Good luck with your dental work!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

International team to drill beneath massive Antarctic ice shelf

This is really interesting. It reminds me of the movie "The day after tomorrow". The research is important and can give scientists a lot of answers. However, it isn't something that I would even be remotely interested in doing. The thought of going out into the extreme cold and remote Antarctica; I would be afraid of taking one step onto the ice and then falling through and drowning in the ice cold waters, or maybe getting eaten by a leopard seal or something.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Florida and Dentistry

The State of Florida experiences a wide variety of weather phenomenon including very hot weather (109F or 43C), hurricanes, lightning, high average precipitation, tornadoes and thunderstorms. It’s not very well known that Florida has more lightning strikes than any other state. It also experiences the highest precipitation. There is also a record number of hurricanes and tornados in this state, with the tornados rarely reaching epic proportions, but the hurricanes can often be very severe. These weather disturbances are somewhat tempered by the fact that Florida is the sunshine state, enjoying anywhere from 2800 to 3200 hours of sunshine annually, depending on what part of the state is being measured.

Many types of animals make Florida their home. Some of these animals are fairly well known and others are indigenous only to the Florida state. This is a list of a few such animals. For marine mammals there is the Bottlenose Dolphin, the North Atlantic Right Whale and the West Indian Manatee. A manatee is also known as a sea cow. They are large, herbivorous creatures that are fully aquatic freshwater mammals. Some more well-known inhabitants are the American Alligator and Crocodile, the Eastern Diamondback snake and Leatherback Sea Turtles. Land mammals include the majestic Florida panther, Northern River Otter, Mink, and a large variety of rabbits, raccoons, skunks and squirrels. The list of birds indigenous to Florida is long and includes such wonderful species as the Bald Eagle, Osprey, Whooping Cranes and Florida Scrub Jay.

There are many reasons to make Florida your home, and these are only a few. Whether you are living in or visiting Florida, check out the high quality dental care while there. You will be amazed at how much your smile can be improved!

A beautiful smile is a window to your soul, and cosmetic dentists can make this window absolutely beautiful. You can tell a lot about a person just in the way he smiles. Unfortunately, many people are so self-conscious about the state of their teeth that they are reluctant to smile. Luckily, the tides are changing as cosmetic dentistry procedures are continuing to evolve. A beautiful bright smile is possible for everyone because of the advances in dental cosmetics, including teeth whitening, veneers, implants, crowns, shaping, bonding, orthodontic treatments and a combination of several processes. Only a trained and educated dentist can decide which treatment options or combinations of treatments are best suited to each individual patient’s needs. Most cosmetic dentists provide free consultations to address your dental needs and wants.


Cosmetic dentist Lauderhill are expert in what they do: transforming your smile. Do you feel confident in giving someone a big warm smile with teeth exposed? If not, then cosmetic dentistry is for you. Tooth whitening is one of the least invasive of the procedures used to transform your smile. It used to be called “teeth bleaching”, and it works wonders to remove discoloration and/or staining on the teeth. Not everyone’s teeth can undergo the bleaching process, so it is necessary to get a consultation from your dentist first. Tooth whitening is best carried out under the supervision of experienced an experienced cosmetic dentist Lauderhill, so don’t try the home remedy packs for tooth whitening that can be found at most grocery stores. Dental tooth whitening by a professional is recommended.

This is a pretty interesting article. There are a few points brought out about the State of Florida that are very interesting, and I didn't know about before. That would include some of the animals that live there, and that Florida gets so much sunshine. Well I guess that shouldn't surprise, because after all Florida is famous for oranges and all those good fruits.

Dentists aren't quite as exciting to read about. We all dread dental work, I think. Yet if you are talking about cosmetic dentists, then that is work that people look forward to having completed. A beautiful smile gives you so much confidence. I think it's worth it.

cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a common procedure these days, certainly improving in technological advancements over the past few centuries. The first article that talks about the history of cosmetic dentistry can be found here this is important because when you consider how important our teeth are, reading the history behind the procedure becomes very interesting. It has never been a lot of fun for me to visit the dentist, perhaps because I never had my first filling until the age of 21. Therefore I was not used to seeing the dentist at all or having any dental work done at all.

I am sure glad that there have been a lot of advances in cosmetic dentistry. Another article which talks about this is what makes this so important? Well partly reading about the scientific knowledge and advancements of our time is interesting, and partly because so many people go much farther than just repairing broken or missing teeth these days. It has almost become an obsession of looks. It's more than just celebrities who go as far as they can to look perfect. I have nothing against looking your best, I just think that you need to be careful about going overboard. Like some people do with botox and/or plastic surgery. That is just plain ridiculous in most cases.

However, fixing teeth that don't give you confidence when you smile is a very good thing. It is important for everybody to be able to smile whenever they want without feeling like they should have to hide their teeth. Nothing beats a big, bright white smile such as this article describes. If you were an employer and had two prospective employees of comparable skills and experience; one smiled and brightened up the room and the other was afraid to open their mouth, or always hid behind their hand. Who would you hire? I think the answer is pretty straight forward.

Therefore my conclusion is that while some people may go overboard with anything that improves their appearance, whether cosmetic dentistry or something else, it is a good thing to do what you can in moderation to improve your smile and your look. If it brings you increased confidence it is a good thing. If cosmetic dentistry gives someone a new lease on life and increased happiness because of the great look it can bring to your teeth, especially your front teeth that everyone can see, then it should be done.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How to Catch a Mouse With a Humane Mouse Trap


It's that time of year. It's time when mice try to find a way inside your home to stay warm for the winter and to have a source of food. Problem is, most of us do not want mice in our house.

Especially me. I certainly don't like finding mouse poops along the floor of my pantry or in my daughter's basement bedroom. Mice are not invited here, and because they come in anyway, they will be caught.

I grew up knowing only about the traditional mouse trap, the ones that snap down on the mouse and kill it. Apparently there are now many more ways to catch a mouse. And you don't need to buy a trap to do it either.

For those who would like to catch the mouse live and free it far away from their house, there are many options now available. I found at least half a dozen different make-it-yourself mouse traps on you tube.

So do your research, set your traps and get those dirty mice out of your house!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Amazing Cosmetic Dentistry

Everyone deserves a winning smile. Well how do you get there from where you are right now? It depends on the shape of your teeth, especially your front teeth. In New Jersey, you would be looking for the best cosmetic dentist Clifton can offer. They can tell you what kind of procedure you need to fix your teeth. Are there chips or cracks? Are there discolorations or missing teeth? Are there plenty of silver fillings? How about the size and shape of your teeth and how they fit together? All of these factors will be taken into consideration when doing your free consultation. This is the best way to find out what you need to attain the look you want. The dentist can talk to you about your options, whether they be crowns and bridges, implants, tooth whitening, or switching all your silver fillings to the nice looking composite resin.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WWF - Press Release - Javan rhinos extinct in Vietnam

This is so sad to get the very final and devastating news that Javan rhinos are now extinct in Vietnam. A really sad story about how a few years ago when they were thought to be extinct, a small number of them were found. However, protection techniques were either not in place or not enforced and they have all been lost to poaching. They are shot and then their horns removed and they are left to die.

It is a crying shame that we humans have done this to many animal species. And yes I agree we are not all poachers and we have not done this individually but collectively we have, whether through poaching or not taking action against these horrible atrocities that are being committed upon these animals.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Best Cosmetic Dentists

These are three of the best new sites about Best Cosmetic Dentists in Florida, Best Cosmetic Dentists in Minnesota, and the Best Cosmetic Dentists in New Jersey. These sites are shaping up to be informative, appealing and very helpful for people looking for the best service in cosmetic dentistry. Keep an eye on these sites, and follow their progress because they will become the top sites in this niche. Cosmetic Dentistry allows people to enjoy the smile of their dreams. Not everyone is born with straight teeth, and some people experience staining or shifting of the teeth. These problems can all be fixed. You wouldn't believe the new lease on life that a beautiful smile can give you!

It has been shown that a winning smile contributes toward job advancement, confidence, and better happiness in life overall. It would be nice to give a big smile and show off your pearly whites instead of hiding behind teeth that you are afraid to show off. It's worth it and you deserve it!

WWF: Change the way you think about your laptop - YouTube

This is very interesting! In fact the World Wildlife Fund has a whole series of videos that encourage us to change the way we think about everything. The way we think about food, about the world around us, about everything.'

We do need to change. We have lived too long thinking that we are not making an impact on the world. Many more people recycle than used to, but it is still a small percentage. Reduce and reuse are more important, because they are in the cycle before recycle is. It takes time, energy and resources to recycle. Those can be saved by reducing and reusing.

We need to think. We need to do.